JIVE, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
Hooghoudt Room, 15 June 2006
09:30 - 11:00 Arrival, coffee
11:00 M.Garrett Opening, welcome
11:10 H.Hirabayashi VSOP-2/Astro-G project
- science goals
- technical specifications;
- timeline;
- international aspects of the project.
12:00 L.Gurvits Outlook for European role in the VSOP-2 mission
12:30 M.Garrett EVN and JIVE in 2012
13:00 Lunch
13:40 S.Pogrebenko Space VLBI and the Next Generation VLBI corelators
14:00 C.Reynolds VSOP-2 in SKADS simulations
14:20 A.Lobanov mm-VLBI and VSOP-2
14:40 F.Colomer Participation of IGN (Spain) in the Astro-G mission
15:00 L.Gurvits European VSOP-2 contact group: past and future
15:20 Tea/coffee break
15:40 Open podium - brain-storming session
17:00 H.Hirabayashi Astro-G calendar for the next 18 months
17:20 L.Gurvits Wrap-up, action items
17:40 AOB
18:00 Adjourn
List of participants (as of 15 June 2006):
I.M.Avruch | JIVE | NL |
R.Campbell | JIVE | NL |
S.Chi | JIVE/Kapteyn | NL |
F.Colomer | OAN | Spain |
R.Dodson | OAN | Spain |
S.Frey | FOMI SGO | Hungary |
D.Gabuzda | UC Cork | IE |
M.Garrett | JIVE | NL |
S.Garrington | JBO | UK |
L.Gurvits | JIVE | NL |
H.Hirabayashi | JAXA | Japan |
K. van't Klooster | ESA-ESTEC | NL |
H.J. van Langevelde | JIVE | NL |
A.Lobanov | MPIfR | Germany |
A.Mujunen | HUT | Finland |
S.Pogrebenko | JIVE | NL |
C.Reynolds | JIVE | NL |
R.Schilizzi | ISPO | NL |
C.Stanghellini | IRA | Italy |
A.Szomoru | JIVE | NL |
K.Wiik | Turku U | Finland |