EVN Data Archive

The EVN Data Archive contains correlated data from EVN observations processed at JIVE plus a growing amount of data processed at Bonn. In general, correlated data enter the public domain one year after distribution to the PI of the final epoch of observations resulting from an EVN/global proposal, see the EVN Data Access Policy for more specific details.

The EVN Archive contains:

  • The proposal abstract for observations resulting from proposals submitted on or after 1st October 2017. 
  • The feedback pages as filled in by the stations, providing information about local circumstances during the observation. 
  • Diagnostic plots that sample the quality of the correlation prior to creation of the resulting FITS files. The page also contains a link to the P.I. letter, which contains a more detailed report on issues noted during the correlation and preparation of the FITS files. These plots are immediately public.
  • The FITS files, plus an associated README file in case there are multiple sets of FITS files for a given observation (e.g., multiple phase centers, separate continuum/line correlation passes, etc.). All of the FITS files enjoy the proprietary period specified in the EVN Data Access Policy.
  • The EVN pipeline, run on the output FITS files in order to provide:
    • ANTAB/UVFLG files and resulting calibration tables in FITS format
    • a series of plots produced at various stages throughout the pipeline
    • summary of SN/CL tables created during the pipeline; input scripts and history files
    • automatically generated images (self-calibrated if appropriate)
    • Pipeline products specific to sources identified by the PI as "private" receive the same proprietary period as do the set(s) of FITS files; other pipeline products are public.

The EVN Data Reduction Guide provides an introduction to analyzing your EVN observations and incorporating the Pipeline products into your analysis.

Use the "Archive home" or "Browse catalogue" entries at left in order to find specific observations in the EVN Archive.  Use the "Search archive" entry at left to search for FITS files that match various criteria that you supply (e.g., position, frequency range, Stokes parameters in the correlation, etc.).