Table of Contents
Feedback Tools
This page contains information on how to manage and maintain the tools used for feedback both from, and to stations. These consist of three main parts:
The Session Feedback Page and Database
The session feedback page exists here and must be generated for each session.
To do so log into dop88 as jive and go to the session directory (for the jive password see Bob):
ssh jive@dop288 cd /www/
Then create the block session file (filename format is blockyy_sessionNumber). A tool has been made to assist you with this called It will read the latest block schedule on the web and attempt to create a block session file for you. You should make sure to check and edit this file by hand.
./ emacs/vim/nano blockyy_#.asc
Here is an example file from session 3 2018:
EVN-SCHEDULE SESSION 3/2018 PART 1 = 6 cm =============== 6 JIVE N18C3 6 Caccianiga EC066A 6 Biggs EB069 6 Gunn CL18C3 6 Tarchi ET038E 6 Yang RY007B 6 Marcote EM133A 6 Yang RY007C 6 Marcote EM133B 6 Guirado EG104A 6 Guirado EG104B 6 Schulz ES090A 6 Caccianiga EC066B PART 2 = 3.6/13 cm =============== 3.6 JIVE N18SX2 3.6 Titov ET036B 3.6 Gunn CL18X2 3.6 Schulz ES090B 3.6 Panessa EP113A 3.6 Bietenholz EB066A 3.6 Bietenholz EB066B PART 3 = 18 cm =============== 18 JIVE N18L3 18 Polatidis EP106D 18 Polatidis EP111A 18 Gunn EP106E 18 Tarchi EP111B 18 Polatidis CL18L3 18 Marcote ET038F 18 JIVE EP111C 18 Gunn EM133C PART 4 = 1.3/0.7 cm =============== 1.3 Schulz N18K3 1.3 Tarchi CL18K3 1.3 Panessa ES090C 1.3 Bach ET038G 1.3 Bach EP113B 1.3 Tarchi EB064C 1.3 Bach FR051 1.3 ET038H 1.3 EB064D
Note the blank lines at the bottom. In this case the PI names have been shifted up and need to be manually reordered.
Finally run makesess to generate the actual html files:
./makesess mmmyy blockyy_#.asc
The "feedbackplots" web page provides both ampcal information and a searchable database of feedback from both station submissions and support scientist written PI letters.
This page is behind a login to prevent vandalism. All JIVE staff should know (or know how to find) this login information so ask anyone if you need it.
It runs on grafana connecting to a mysql database.
The grafana server is written in go and lives on dop288 in:
It can be started manually by simply running
However it should start automatically on all reboots due to the following crontab (as jops user):
jops@dop288:~/feedbackplots> crontab -el @reboot sleep 60 && cd ~/feedbackplots/ && screen -d -m bin/grafana-server
The database server used is db0 and the database is called “ampcal” containing two tables: “ampcal” and “feedback” for the ampcal and feedback information respectively.
This database is fed by three scripts:
Lives on pipe (jop83) and takes the self calibration data from the pipeline to record amplitude calibration values per station.
This is the script used by the feedback website to allow stations to enter feedback for each experiment. Inserts data into both old style “flat” text files and the db0 database.
Lives on eee2 and parses the piletter written by support scientists, adding further feedback to the database.
Mattermost is the communications tool hosted by JIVE used for chats within the EVN.
It is hosted on a virtual machine with
Mattermost is installed as a service and can be administered by logging in to as user coms:
ssh service mattermost status
Sometimes nginx (the webserver) tries to come back up too quickly after a network outage and will have to be manually restarted:
ssh sudo service nginx status ● nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2019-01-18 12:57:59 CET; 2h 9min ago sudo service nginx restart
The actual mattermost executables and files are stored in /opt/mattermost
The mattermost database is backed up to ~jops/mmbackup/ every day