Table of Contents
PRIDE documents for ESA JUICE
This section contains the documents and the reports of the PRIDE experiment for the ESA mission JUICE.
Action Item List
Current Action Items
- Define possible PRIDE science applications during the JUICE cruise phase (PRIDE team)
- Organise a telecon on PRIDE participation IN JUICE WG’s and archiving efforts (OW, LG, VP)
Past Action Items
- AI-1:PRIDE to provide a list of capabilities from past missions
- AI-2: ESA to send the draft JUICE SGICD
- AI-3: PRIDE to identify in the science matrix which goals can be uniquely achieved by the experiment.
- AI-4: PRIDE to formulate specific requirements for the fly-bys
Minutes of Meetings
Other Documents
Annual meeting 2018: presentations
spasia/spasia.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/08 13:02 by cimo