Table of Contents
SCARIe is a project funded by NWO which stands for “Software Correlator Architecture Research and Implementation for e-VLBI”.
Presentations Kick-off meeting, May 15th 2007
Presentations Meeting with Jason Maassen, July 10th 2007
* INGRID 2008: The INGRID 2008 paper. The presentation.
@InProceedings{kruithofingrid2008, author = {Nico Kruithof and Damien Marchal}, title = {Real-time Software Correlation}, booktitle = {INGRID Workshop}, url= {}, note= {Invited paper in the e-VLBI session}, year = {2008}, }
* TERENA 2008: The TERENA 2008 slides. @misc{marchalterena2008,
author = {Damien Marchal and Nico Kruithof and Paola Grosso and Cees de Laat}, title = {SCARIe: eVLBI Software Correlation Over Dynamic Lambda Grids}, booktitle = {Terena}, year = {2008}, note = {Conference talk, accepted on abstract}, month = {month}, }
* SIREN2007: The SIREN 2007 poster.
@misc{marchalsiren2007, key = {SCARIe: Enabling the Grid for Astronomy}, author = {Damien Marchal and Nico Kruithof and Paola Grosso and Cees de Laat and Mark Kettenis and Arpad Szomoru and Maurice Bouwhuis", title= {SCARIe: Enabling the Grid for Astronomy}, note = {Poster presented at SIREN2007 and SuperComputing 2007(exhibitor hall)}, url= {}, year= {2007} }
* INGRID 2007: The INGRID 2007 paper. The presentation.
@InProceedings{kruithofingrid2007, author = {Nico Kruithof}, title = {\it{e}-VLBI using a Software Correlator}, booktitle = {INGRID Workshop}, url= {}, year = {2008}, }
* FGCS2008:
@article{grossofgcs2008, author = {Paola Grosso and Damien Marchal and Jason Maassen and Eric Bernier and Carol Meertens and Li Xu and Cees de Laat}, title = {Dynamic Photonic Lightpaths in the StarPlane Network}, journal ={Future Generation Ccomputer Systems}, volume = {xxxx}, number = {xxxx}, year = {2008}, issn = {0167-739X}, pages = {xxxx}, url = {}, note = {Invited paper, under review}, publisher = {Elsevier}, }
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