
Past Meetings and Conferences of Interest


IVS VLBI2010 Workshop: Future Radio Frequencies and Feeds (FRFF)

18-21 March 2009
Wettzell, Germany

The goal of the FRFF Workshop is to develop recommendations to the IVS Directing Board on the definition of the VLBI2010 radio frequencies and the specifications for VLBI2010 feeds. The FRFF Workshop is mostly geared toward VLBI experts and electronics/RF engineers, who are encouraged to contribute with their expertise to the definition of the VLBI2010 radio frequencies. The workshop will be divided into a tutorial part and a part with open contributions.

19th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry (EVGA) Working Meeting and 10th IVS Analysis Workshop

24-26 March 2009
Bordeaux, France

The purpose of the EVGA meeting is to report the latest results on astrometric and geodetic VLBI research, including technical developments, applications to geophysics and astrophysics, and the future perspective of VLBI. The IVS Analysis Workshop will be specifically focused on the discussion of current and future IVS products. Colleagues working in all fields of geodetic and astrometric VLBI, from around the world, are invited to attend these meetings and present their activities.


17 April 2009
Torun, Poland

IVS Technical Operations Workshop

27-30 April 2009
Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, USA

The intended audience for this meeting is the technical staff of the stations. The meeting will be oriented towards hands-on training and problem resolution in VLBI operations. Attendance at the TOW will be limited to two people from each station. If you can send two people, we recommend that the best pair of people would be an experienced station operator plus a new operator.

TERENA Networking Conference 2009

8-11 June 2009
Malaga, Spain

Science and Technology of Long Baseline Real-Time Interferometry: The 8th International e-VLBI Workshop

22-26 June 2009
Madrid, Spain

The multi-day meeting will be split into two parts. Half will focus on the technologies and engineering developments that have made e-VLBI possible, with the other half focusing on the scientific findings and results.
(Notice on the CADC International Astronomy Meetings List here.)

The proceedings have been published in the on-line journal Proceedings of Science.

European Radio Interferometry School

7-11 September 2009
Oxford Astrophysics

ERIS will provide a week of lectures and hands-on tutorials on how to get scientific results from radio interferometry. Topics covered include:

  • Choosing the right instrument, configuration and observing plan for your project
  • Calibration and imaging continuum, spectral line and polarization data
  • Extracting and interpreting measurements
  • Example data drawn from observations of Galactic and extragalactic sources, the Sun, transient and variable objects.

Students will be helped to use their own laptops to install and use the most widely-used packages such as AIPS, CASA and Parseltongue. Most examples will be drawn from cm-wave instruments such as MERLIN and the EVN but experts will be available on arrays from LOFAR to ALMA.

Limited financial support is available from RadioNet.


ICT 2008

25-27 November 2008
Lyon, France

The biennial ICT Event is the most important forum for discussing research and public policy in information and communication technologies at European level. The Event brings together researchers and innovators, policy and business decision-makers working in the field of digital technologies. The ICT Event:

  • Presents Europe's future priorities for research funding in the ICT area
  • Examines crucial issues of public policy for stimulating innovation through ICT development and uptake
  • Creates opportunities to establish research and business partnerships and simply keep up to date in what is happening in various ICT research fields.

T. Charles Yun's Presentation [ ODP / PDF ]
Norbert Meyer's (PSNC) Summary of Presentations

8th RadioNet Engineering Forum Workshop

24-25 November 2008
CAY, Yebes, Spain

Upgrading the Horizon: New Radiotelescopes and Instrumentation for Astronomy and Geodetic Technology

9th EVN Symposium

23-26 September 2008
Bologna, Italy
The Istituto di Radioastronomia (INAF) on behalf of the European VLBI Consortium, will host the “9th European VLBI Network Symposium on The role of VLBI in the Golden Age for Radio Astronomy” and the EVN Users Meeting on September 23-26 2008. The Symposium will be held in Bologna at the Conference Centre of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica Campus, where the Istituto di Radioastronomia is located.


22 September 2008
Bologna, Italy

RadioNet Engineering Forum Workshop - Digital Backend Implementation: Software vs. Hardware

23 June 2008
Bonn, Germany
This seventh meeting in Bonn is aimed at bringing together digital engineers who are working in the field of digital backends or backend related postprocessing and who are involved in the design of current and future projects in this area.

AOGS 2008 (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)

16-20 June 2008
Busan, Korea

Scientists studying Atmospheric, Hydrological, Planetary, Solar Terrestrial, Solid Earth or Ocean Sciences or Interdisciplinary Working Groups are invited to this assembly of intellectual exchange and social opportunities.

7th International e-VLBI Workshop

16-17 June 2008
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Shanghai, China

This meeting will demonstrate the latest progress on e-VLBI, share experience among radio astronomers, geodesists, and network engineers, develop and enhance cooperation in e-VLBI astronomy and geodesy applications.

TERENA Networking Conference 2008

19-22 May 2008
Bruges, Belgium

The theme of this year's TERENA Networking conference is “beyond connectivity” and aims to answer seven basic questions:

  • Who is there? (Digital Identity in Action)
  • Is this for real? (Virtual Worlds)
  • What is bothering you? (Security)
  • What is behind? (Service Clouds)
  • What is happpening? (Monitoring and Measurement)
  • What next? (Future Development)
  • Who cares? (The Users Do)

VSOP-2 Technical Meeting

The 24th NORDUnet Conference

9-11 April 2008
Espoo (Helsinki), Finland

The conference slogan “The Biosphere of Grids and Networks” mirrors the fact that Grids and research and education networking are interconnected, that the two develop together in many ways, and that the networking and grid technologies are more and more essential for science and education. It also reflects the constant development of new technologies and services, with roots in past progress, approved standards, and proven design principles.


9-11 April, 2008
Lacco Ameno, Ischia (Napoli), Italy

The current edition of the Workshop focuses on all aspects related to the effective exploitation of remote instrumentation on the Grid. These include middleware architecture, high-speed networking in support of Grid applications, wireless Grid for acquisition devices and sensor networks, Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning for real-time control, measurement instrumentation and methodology.

International SKA Forum 2008

9 April 2008
Perth, Australia

The International SKA Forum 2008 – 'Tuning in on the SKA' - will bring together a range of people from around the world who are either actively engaged in the SKA preparatory work or who have an interest in learning more about it – including scientists, engineers, public officials, business people and people from the sphere of science education and awareness.

PFLDnet 2008

Sixth International Workshop on Protocols for FAST Long-Distance Networks
5-7 March 2008
The University of Manchester
Manchester, UK

This single-track workshop will provide researchers and technologists with a focused, highly interactive opportunity to present, discuss and exchange experience on leading research, development and future directions in high performance transports, applications and protocols (TCP, UDP, DCCP, HTTP, FTP, etc.) over fast long-distance networks.

International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) 2008 General Meeting

March 3-6, 2008
St. Petersburg, Russia

The International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) holds a General Meeting every two years. All IVS Associate Members and individuals who have interests in the application of VLBI in the fields of geodesy, Earth sciences, and astrometry are invited to attend the meeting. The purpose of the General Meeting is to assemble representatives from all IVS components to share information, hear reports, and plan future activities. The meeting also provides a forum for interaction with other members of the VLBI and Earth science communities. Following the General Meeting, an IVS Analysis Workshop and a VLBI2010 Working Meeting will be held.

GÉANT2 - a Global Leader

3-4 March 2008
Bled, Slovenia

High-level political event showcasing the achievements of GÉANT2, presenting the European research networking community's vision for GN3 and hearing about users' future networking requirements. Huib Jan van Langevelde, director of JIVE and coordinator of EXPReS, will be speaking. Meeting is by invitation only.

EXPReS Progress Meeting and Third Board Meeting

29-30 January 2007
Utrecht, The Netherlands


4th e-Infrastructure Concertation Meeting

5-6 December 2007
Sophia Antipolis France

The 4th e-Infrastructure Concertation meeting was co-organised by the Commission Services and ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute with the active participation of all projects in the e-Infrastructures area.


3-6 December 2007
Melbourne, Australia

The Third International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) 2007 will focus on both theory and applications of intelligent sensors and smart systems.

GridNets 2007

17-19 October 2007
Lyon, France

The GridNets conference series is an annual international meeting which provides a focused and highly interactive forum where researchers and technologists have the opportunity to present and discuss leading research, developments, and future directions in the Grid networking area. The objective of this event is to serve as both the premier conference presenting best Grid Networking research and a forum where new concepts can be introduced and explored.

6th International e-VLBI Workshop

17-18 September 2007
Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn, Germany


The e-VLBI Workshop series is an annual event where researchers from different fields gather to discuss and update one another. Associated with this year's meeting will be a meeting of the NA2 EVN-NREN and JRA1 FABRIC WP1.

PPAM 2007

9-12 September 2007
Gdansk, Poland
The PPAM 2007 conference, seventh in a series, will cover topics in parallel and distributed processing, including theory and applications, as well as applied mathematics. The focus will be on grid computing, and large-scale applications, as well as on software tools which facilitate efficient and convenient utilization of modern computing architectures.

24th APAN meeting

Aug 27-31, 2007
Sheraton Xi’an Hotel, China


The 24th APAN Meeting will be held from August 27 to August 31, 2007 in Xi'An, China. This 5-day event will highlight tutorials, oral presentations and demonstrations covering advanced network technologies and applications. There will be plenty of opportunity to interact with researchers and practitioners from Asia Pacific and beyond during this meeting. Contact Details:

China Science and Technology Network(CSTNET),Computer Network Information Center( CNIC),Chinese Academy of Sciences( CAS), China

TERENA Networking Conference 2007

21-24 May 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark

TNC 2007 will be hosted by UNI C, The Danish IT Centre for Education and Research and held in Copenhagen on 21 to 24 May 2007. Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark offers you a vivid city, rich with medieval history, modern art, culture and living - from Hans Christian Andersen's “Little Mermaid” to the world's oldest monarchy, and from the free town of Christiania to the downtown castles, museums and shops.

FP7 "Capacities" Specific Programme

FP7 “Capacities” Specific Programme
24 May 2007
Brussels, Belgium

The event will focus on the following topics of the second call: * INFRA-2007-1.2.3: e-Science Grid Infrastructures; * INFRA-2007-3.1.3: Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development, including international cooperation.

The agenda and further details on this event can be found on our website:
The participation is free of charge but the number of places is limited. You are therefore highly encouraged to register as soon as possible. Follow this link to access the registration form: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/programme/events-20070524_en.html#reg . We will send you a confirmation that your registration has been validated in the following days.


The 20th Open Grid Forum - OGF20
7-11 May 2007
Manchester International Convention Centre
Manchester, UK

OGF20 will be held May 7-11 in Manchester, UK and is hosted by UK e-Science and the University of Manchester. At OGF20, more than 800 grid enthusiasts from around the globe will gather for one week to further grid standards development and discuss best practices in e-Science. The event also features a two day enterprise program, led by the Grid Computing Now! KTN, that will focus on real world case studies and practical grid solutions.
We are currently inviting proposals for presentations and workshops. Please see the details below, which including the time line and URL for submissions.

IVS Technical Operations Workshop (TOW)

30 April - 3 May 2007
Haystack Observatory, Westford, Massachusetts, USA

The intended audience for this meeting is the technical staff of the stations. The meeting will be oriented towards hands-on training and problem resolution in VLBI operations. We hope that all VLBI stations will be able to send technical representatives.


INGRID 2007 - Instrumenting the Grid
2nd International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative Laboratories - S.Margherita Ligure
16-18 April 2007
Portofino, ITALY

The following topics are the issues concerning the theme of the Workshop: Grid architectures with real-time control, Grid middleware extensions for remote control of instruments and devices, Resource Management, Tele-measurement techniques, Distributed synchronization and calibration, Workflow management for large-scale experiments, Visualization techniques, Distributed data acquisition and sensor networks, Management of large data sets, Mobile and wireless grids, Management of large-scale physics experiments, Networking solutions in support of Grid architectures, Reliability and fault tolerance, Supporting interactive applications in the grid environment, Collaborative environments for the Grid


Lighting the Blue Touchpaper for UK e-Science - Closing Conference of ESLEA Project
26-28 March 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland
venue: The George Hotel, 19-21 George Street, EH2 2PB

ESLEA (Exploitation of Switched Lightpaths for eScience Applications) , an EPSRC-funded project, aims to demonstrate the potential benefits of circuit-switched optical networks (lightpaths) to the UK e-Science community. This is being achieved by running a number of “proof of benefit” pilot applications over UKLight, the UK’s first national wavelength agile optical research network. UKLight provides a new way for researchers to obtain dedicated “lightpaths” between remote sites and to deploy and test novel networking methods and technologies. It facilitates collaboration on global projects by providing a point of access to the fast growing international optical R&D infrastructure.

23rd APAN Meeting

2007 January 22-26
Manila Philippines
Venue: Edsa Shangri-la Hotel, Ortigas Business District

The 23rd APAN Meeting will be held from Jan 22-26, 2007 in Manila.

This 5-day event will highlight tutorials, oral presentations and demonstrations covering advanced network technologies and applications. There will be plenty of opportunity to interact with researchers and practitioners from Asia Pacific and beyond during this meeting.


January 15 – 19, 2007
Santiago, Chile
Venue: School of Engineering and Science, University of Chile

Interworking 2006 will be the eighth event in the INTERWORKING series of bi-annual symposiums. The previous events attracted a large number of comprehensive contributions and participation of delegates from around the world. In the past, issues were mainly concerned with network aspects. With complex, heterogeneous services and applications being developed, implemented and offered in a competitive environment, it seems appropriate to include the focus of Interworking and Interoperability with the service and application layers and their respective infrastructures, across fixed, mobile and wireless/nomadic networks to provide the ubiquitous networking features.

Hayo Hase and Charles Yun to present

Gigaport Next Generation seminar for astronomers

5th International e-VLBI Workshop

17-20 September 2006
MIT Haystack Observatory
Westford, MA USA

This international meeting at MIT Haystack Observatory will explore the current state of high-speed astronomy data transmission, concentrating on e-VLBI, but recognizing the synergy with other geodesy/astronomy applications requiring real-time or near-real-time high-speed data transmissions. Among the topics to be discussed:

  • Development of e-VLBI facilities
  • High-performance e-VLBI demonstrations
  • Reports on current and projected e-VLBI and related efforts
  • Networking protocols for real-time data transmission
  • Shared vs. dedicated networks VSI-E standard for e-VLBI data transfer

Two days of tutorials on networking and e-VLBI, presented by Internet2 and e-VLBI experts, are offered immediately preceding the main meeting.

expres/other_meetings_and_conferences_of_interest_-_past.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/14 09:50 by