function: self_cal_source
################################################################################ # Run a series of IMAGR clean and CALIB self-cal's on a Single Source Dataset def self_cal_source(aips_data, source_name='', flagver = 0, bpver = -1, refant = 1, timerange=[0,0,0,0], imsize = 512, cellsize=1, robust=8, previous_image_max = 0.0, previous_image_rms = 0.0, calib_parameters = None, calib_class_name = 'CALIB', use_initial_point_source_calibration=1, image_sequence_number = 1, save_final_image = 0, save_final_calib_output=0, processing_name = '' ): """Runs a series of IMAGR/CALIB steps to self-cal a source source_name # I Used mostly for possible generation of file names # may leave blank calib_parameters # I A list of dictionaries giving the CALIB parameters. There is no gainuse variable, as this is assumed to be a single source file which has been split off and the calibration (CL) table applied. Similarly, this routine does not pay attention to a possible BP table for bandpass corrections, which it assumes have also been applied. """ assert(type(calib_parameters) == type([0])), "Need a list here" # If there are existing SN tables, warn the user that they are about # to be deleted if((__debug__) and (aips_data.table_highver('AIPS SN') > 0)): warnings.warn("'%s': SN tables exist. Hit Enter to delete."\ %self_cal_source.func_name) if(pause_before_overwrite): pause_prog('Continue?') # AIPS stupidly forces SNVER to be 0 for single-source files. So # I have to check which version is to be used myself snver_use = 0 # check that the specified flag table is present assert(check_table_version_valid(aips_data, 'AIPS FG', flagver)) # Create the IMAGR file variable imagr_image = make_selfcal_imagr_outfile(aips_data, source_name, image_sequence_number) # IMAGR will need to run on a dataset calib_out = aips_data # check for valid image max and RMS if(previous_image_max <= 0.0): previous_image_max = 1 if(previous_image_rms <= 0.0): previous_image_rms = 0 # Run through the list of SELFCAL steps for step in xrange(-1,len(calib_parameters)): if __debug__: print 'Entering step', step, 'of the SELFCAL process' # Get the right list of calibration parameters. If this is step -1 # and we are not doing a point source CALIB run, then skip if(step < 0): step = 0 if not(use_initial_point_source_calibration): continue cal_par = calib_parameters[step] if __debug__: print cal_par # Now, check whether or not we are making a new image if( not(use_initial_point_source_calibration) and (cal_par['run_imagr']) ): flagver_use = check_selfcal_flagver(calib_out, flagver) flux_level = max(math.fabs(previous_image_max*cal_par['imagr_flux_fraction']), previous_image_rms*cal_par['imagr_noise_cutoff']) run_imagr(calib_out, cellsize, imsize, source_name, imagr_image, calib_out.table_highver('AIPS SN'), cal_par['niter'], timerange, flagver_use, bpver, 'I', # Stokes flux_level, cal_par['dotv'], cal_par['clbox'], robust ) # Get the image statistics for next time (previous_image_max, junk1, junk2, previous_image_rms) \ = get_small_source_stats_main(imagr_image, imsize/4, imsize/4, imsize/2) if __debug__: # print out the CC table print_cc(imagr_image, processing_name) # End of running imagr part # set up the data files calib_in = make_selfcal_calib_data_in(aips_data, source_name, calib_class_name, cal_par['sequence_in']) if( not(calib_out == calib_in) and not(calib_out == aips_data) ): if(calib_out.exists()): calib_out.zap() calib_out = make_selfcal_calib_data_out(calib_in, source_name, calib_class_name, cal_par['sequence_out']) #print aips_data #print calib_in #print calib_out flagver_use = check_selfcal_flagver(calib_in, flagver) if not(use_initial_point_source_calibration): run_calib(calib_in, refant, cal_par['solint'], cal_par['solsub'], source_name, 0, # gainuse timerange, flagver_use, bpver, imagr_image, cal_par['ncomp'], cal_par['flux'], None, # smodel cal_par['aparm'], cal_par['soltype'], cal_par['solmode'], snver_use, 1, # save_data calib_out ) else: run_calib(calib_in, refant, cal_par['solint'], cal_par['solsub'], source_name, 0, # gainuse timerange, flagver_use, bpver, None, # image_data None, # ncomp None, # flux previous_image_max, # smodel cal_par['aparm'], cal_par['soltype'], cal_par['solmode'], snver_use, 1, # save_data calib_out ) use_initial_point_source_calibration = 0 calib_out.zap() calib_out = calib_in if(cal_par['show_SN_table']): snplot('SN', calib_in.table_highver('AIPS SN'), 'PHAS',opcode='ALSI', snuvdata=calib_in, nplots=len(calib_in.antennas)) #pause_prog('Check SN table') if(is_solmode_doing_amplitude_single(cal_par['solmode'])): snplot('SN',calib_in.table_highver('AIPS SN'),'AMP',opcode='ALSI', snuvdata=calib_in, nplots=len(calib_in.antennas)) #pause_prog('Check SN table') # end of for step in xrange over calib steps # clean up all of the CALIB files for step in xrange(0,len(calib_parameters)): calib_in =\ make_selfcal_calib_data_in_nocheck(aips_data, source_name, calib_class_name, calib_parameters[step]['sequence_in']) if( not(calib_out == calib_in) and not(calib_in == aips_data) ): if(calib_in.exists()): calib_in.zap() # Clean up after ourselves. If we are not keeping the last CALIB output # file, then delete it, unless it is the original data file for some reason. if not(save_final_calib_output): if(calib_out == aips_data): pass else: if(calib_out.exists()): calib_out.zap() if not(save_final_image): if(imagr_image.exists()): imagr_image.zap() # return some stuff to the caller, in case they want them return calib_out,imagr_image,previous_image_max,previous_image_rms
parseltongue/self_cal_source.txt · Last modified: 2007/07/09 15:14 by