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version ppt pdf comments
20 ppt pdf-all pdf-EC post-dinner edits
18 ppt pdf with hiddenpdf for EC proposed final
17 ppt pdf Arpad and Huib comments integrated.
13 ppt pdf Ari's comments from today/Sat afternoon accepted into this version
12 ppt pdf completed distribution of resources table. Note PPT default now makes printouts look fairly weird. not sure if i have the time to make both a screen and paper based version look good. might just have to deal with weird default.
10 ppt pdf has most changes from telecon, missing a few, plus a few questions in first slide
08 ppt pdf version as shared prior to the telecon
01 ppt this is just to get something posted.
nexpres/hearing.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/08 21:15 by