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European radio astronomers prepare for the 6th Framework Programme

In preparation for the upcoming Sixth EC Framework Programme (FP6), a group of European radio astronomers representing most of the continent's professional radio astronomy groups held a coordination meeting at Jodrell Bank Observatory (United Kingdom) 14-15 September 2002. The main goal of the meeting was to plan radio astronomy proposals for FP6. The meeting was attended by (see photo):

W. Baan (WSRT/ASTRON, The Netherlands)
R. Booth (OSO, Sweden)
W. Brouw (ATNF, Australia)
I. Browne (JBO, UK)
H. Butcher (ASTRON, The Netherlands)
F. Colomer (OAN, Spain)
P. Diamond (MERLIN/JBO, UK, co-chair)
D. Drew (BT, UK)
W. van Driel (Paris Observatory, France)
G. Fuller (UMIST)
M. Garrett (JIVE, The Netherlands)
S. Garrington (MERLIN/JBO, UK)
R. Goodfellow (BT, UK)
M. Gray (UMIST)
M. Guelin (IRAM, France)
L. Gurvits (JIVE, The Nertherlands)
A. Kus (TRAO, Poland)
E. Limiti (Rome University, Italy)
A. Lyne (JBO, UK)
R. McArthur (BT, UK)
F. Mantovani (CNR IRA, Italy)
J.-M. Martin (Nançay Observatory, France)
G. Miley (Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands)
R. Porcas (MPIfR, Germany)
S. Rawlings (Oxford University, UK)
J. Richer (Cambridge University)
E. Righi-Steele (EC, Brussels)
R. Schilizzi (JIVE, The Netherlands, co-chair)
D. Stannard (JBO, UK)
R. Sirey (PPARC, UK)
P. Wilkinson (JBO, UK)
A. Zensus (MPIfR, Germany)

Suggestions for the FP6 proposal were given in the following presentations:

Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3)
R.Schilizzi FP6 and research infrastructures (includes summary at the end of the meeting) PowerPoint
W.Baan EVN as a legal entity
M.Garrett Access to EVN under FP5 PowerPoint
P.Diamond Access to MERLIN PowerPoint
M.Guelinn Access to IRAM facilities
F.Colomer Yebes 40-m radio telescope
J.-M.Martin Nançay radio telescope
W.Baan Access to WSRT
R.Booth SEST
R.Booth ALMA PowerPoint
P.Wilkinson FARADAY and post-FARADAY activities PowerPoint
M.Guelin IRAM plans PowerPoint
R.Booth ALMA plans PowerPoint
F.Mantovani CNR IRA projects
P.Diamond Radio astronomy developments in Canada PowerPoint
W.Brouw Australian involvement in FP6
P.Diamond VLBI developments in Europe
F.Mantovani EVN enhancement
W.Baan Development of RFI mitigation techniques
Design Studies
H.Butcher SKA PowerPoint
F.Mantovani SKA activities in Italy (Northern Cross in Medicina as an SKA prototype)
J.-M.Martin Nançay for SKA prototyping
S.Rawlings SKA simulations
Other studies (outside I3 and Design Studies)
P.Diamond Astronomical Virtual Observatory II PowerPoint
E.Limiti METER
H.Butcher LOFAR PowerPoint
R.Schilizzi, R.McArthur Broad-band connections for VLBI PowerPoint, PowerPoint
W. van Driel CRAF
Development of Infrastructures
S.Garrington e-MERLIN PowerPoint
P.Diamond Irish radio telescope PowerPoint
historic/radionet_fp5/fp6-preparation.txt · Last modified: 2010/03/19 14:12 by