Table of Contents
EU/EC Logo Requirements
Regarding use of logos for EXPReS publicity materials, our EC science officer Bernhard Fabianek says
Please just use the EC Flag (INFSO/IST logos are not to be used anymore …). You may write “European Commission” under the Flag or even further under it “Information Society and Media”
There is a bit of visual ID, but it is only for us to use (it is a dotted arrow turning into an e).
EC Flag
The following European flag (from the Wikimedia Commons) is available for your use. Additional information about the flag is available from Wikipedia.
Funding Reference
We use the following statement on EXPReS publicity materials:
EXPReS is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3), funded under the European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), contract number 026642EXPReS. EXPReS is coordinated by the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE).
FP6 Logo
expres/eu_logo.txt · Last modified: 2007/05/11 14:15 by