Deliverable D56 / SA2.15 e-VLBI test observations, Metsahovi
- due month 18
- delivered month 13
On 05 March 2007, Zsolt Paragi provided the following email to confirm the deliverable:
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 13:01:51 +0100 (CET) From: Zsolt Paragi <zparagi@jive.nl> To: EVNtech <EVNtech@jb.man.ac.uk> Subject: EVNtech: First K-band e-EVN, first e-VLBI fringes to Mh Hi, Today we had an e-VLBI fringe test in K-band, prior to the F07K1 ftp test. The participating telescopes were Cm, Jb2, Mc, Mh, and On60. The data rate was 256 Mbps. This was our first e-VLBI test at 1.cm, and the first one with Metsahovi. The test was a complete success, with fringes to all telescopes (see attached plot; note that Cm bandwidth is limited to 128 Mbps because of the microwave link). Onsala had a new dualpol K-band receiver which performed very well. The Jb and Cm sensitivities may have been a bit worse than expected, likely due to the windy weather or pointing. Regards, Zsolt =========================================================================== Zsolt Paragi | Tel. : +31 521 596 536 e-VLBI Support Scientist | Fax : +31 521 596 539 Data Processor Research and Development | | Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe | E-mail : zparagi@jive.nl Postbus 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, NL | Web : www.jive.nl/~zparagi ===========================================================================
expres/d56-quick_report.txt · Last modified: 2007/05/11 14:15 by