A selection of recent refereed EVN publications
The European VLBI Network (EVN) is a VLBI network of radio telescopes in Europe and beyond, operated by an international Consortium of institutes. The EVN operates an “open sky” policy and observing proposals are accepted (and peer-reviewed) from astronomers from all over the world. The next deadline is 1st of June 2021 16:00 UTC.
A selection of recent highlights is presented: here
The following list is a selection of recent refereed EVN publications. It will give you an idea what can be done with the network.
- Radcliffe J.F., Garrett M.A., Muxlow T.W.B., et al.
A&A 619, A48, 2018
- Perger K., Frey S., Gabányi K. et al,
MNRAS 477, 1065, 2018
- Kutkin A.M., Pashchenko I.N., Lisakov M.M. et al.
MNRAS 475, 4994, 2018
- Gawrónski M.P., Gozdziewski K., Katarzynski K., and Rycyk G.
MNRAS 475, 1399,2018
- Prandoni I., Murgia M, Tarchi A., et al.
A&A 608, A40, 2017
- Chatterjee S., Law C.J., Wharton R.S., et al.
Nature 541, 58, 2017
- Bruni G., Gómez J.L., Casadio C., et al.
A&A 604, A111, 2017
- Sanna A., Moscadelli L., Surcis G., et al.,
A&A, 603 A94, 2017
- Ahnen M.L, Ansoldi S., Antonelli L.A., et al.
A&A 603 A25, 2017
- Azulay R., Guirado J.C., Marcaide J.M., et al.
A&A 602 A57, 2017
- Moscadelli L., Sanna A., Goddi C., et al.
A&A 600, L8, 2017
- Kool E.C., Ryder S. Kankare E., et al.
MNRAS 473, 5641, 2017
- Gabányi K.É., Frey S., Paragi Z., et al.
MNRAS 473, 1554, 2017
- Herrero-Illana R., Alberdi A., Pérez-Torres M.A, et al.
MNRAS 470, L112, 2017
- Cao H.-M., Frey S., Gabányi K.É., et al.
MNRAS 467, 950, 2017
- Rushton A.P., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Curran P.A., et al.
MNRAS 468 2788, 2017
- Etoka S., Gerard E., Richards A.M.S., et al.
MNRAS 468, 1703, 2017
- Gawronski M.P., Gozdziewski K., Krzysztof K.
MNRAS 466, 4211, 2017
- Park, S., Yang J., Oonk J.B.R., Paragi Z.
MNRAS 465, 3943, 2017
- Yang X., Yang J., Paragi Z., et al.
MNRAS, 464 L70, 2017
- Caccianiga A., Dallacasa D., Anton S., et al.
MNRAS 464, 1474, 2017
- Kundu E., Lundqvist P., Pérez-Torres M.A., et al.
ApJ 842, 17, 2017
- Marcote B., Paragi Z., Hessels J.W.T., et al.
ApJL 834, L8, 2017
- Akiyama K., Stawarz Ł., Tanaka Y.T., Nagai H., Giroletti M., Honma M.
ApJL 823, L26, 2016
- An T., Cui Y.-Z., Paragi Z., et al.
PASJ 66, 77, 2016
- Abbott B.P., Abbott R., T. D. Abbott T.D., et al.
ApJL 848 L12
- Romero-Cañizales C., Prieto J.L., Chen X., et al.
ApJL 832, L10, 2016
- Gómez J.L., Lobanov A.P., Bruni G., et al.
ApJ 817, 96, 2016
- Duev D.A., Pogrebenko S.V., Cimò G., et al.
A&A 593, A34, 2016
- Bondi M., Pérez-Torres M.A., Piconcelli E., Fu H.
A&A 588, A102, 2016
- Bartkiewicz A., Szymczak M., van Langevelde H.J.
A&A 587, A104, 2016
- Coppejans R., Frey S., Cseh D. et al.
MNRAS 463, 3260, 2016
- Yang J., Paragi Z., van der Horst A.J., et al.
MNRAS 462, L66, 2016
- Biggs A.D., Zwaan M.A., Hatziminaoglou E., et al.
MNRAS 462, 2819, 2016
- Russel T.D., Miller-Jones J.C.A, Sivakoff G.R., et al.
MNRAS 460, 3720, 2016
- Szymczak M., Olech M., Wolak P., Bartkiewicz A., Gawroński M.
MNRAS 459, L56, 2016
- Coppejans R., Cseh D., van Velzen S. et al.
MNRAS 459, 2455, 2016
- Giroletti M., Marcote B., Garrett M., et al.
A&A 593, L16, 2016
- Radcliffe J.F., Garrett M.A., Beswick R.J., Muxlow T.W.B., Barthel P.D., Deller A.T., Middelberg E.
A&A 587, A85, 2016
- Boccardi B., Krichbaum T.P., Bach U., Mertens F., Ros E., Alef W., Zensus J.A.
A&A 585, A33, 2016
- Frey S., Paragi Z., Gabányi K.É, An T.
MNRAS 455, 2058, 2016
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