General information

The CASA data processing package is growing in its use for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). In the last years VLBI functionality in CASA has significantly expanded and improved, and this has been advertised globally in meetings, schools and tutorials.


To educate new and existing VLBI astronomers in the use of CASA for data processing, JIVE is hosting a second CASA-VLBI workshop from 2-6 November. This will be a fully online event, since due to the current COVID-19 situation it is not possible to host participants locally. We will use Zoom and Mattermost, more information can be found under ’Software’.


There will be no registration fee for this workshop, but registration is required to obtain access to the live lectures, interactive sessions and discussion platform. To access the recorded lectures and online materials after the workshop, no registration is needed.


Participants are responsible for ensuring sufficient internet bandwidth, and having access to the latest CASA release for their platform of choice (see the CASA homepage). Prior experience with the CASA package and/or VLBI data processing is helpful, but not mandatory.


The workshop will consist of four days. The first (half) day will teach the basics of CASA and the three subsequent days cover VLBI data processing in CASA. To accommodate the widest possible range of time zones, each full day consists of a morning session and an afternoon session, with two lectures and one tutorial block per session. After each lecture and tutorial there is time for questions. Each day starts with a plenary question session. On Friday no events are scheduled, but there is room for an optional question session. Lectures and lecture materials will be made available online during the workshop via the workshop wiki page, and on this website after the workshop is completed.



Photo mosaic by: casavlbi2020 @ Mosaically



This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 730562 [RadioNet] and No 7308844 (JUMPING JIVE).




