\documentclass{report} \usepackage{lscape} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength\unitlength{0.1cm}\def\sqbox{\linethickness{0.01pt} \begin{picture}(3,3)(0,0)\put(-0.75,-0.5){\dashbox{0.5}(3,3){}}\end{picture}} \def\phbox{$\phantom{\sqbox}$} \newcommand{\nobs}{\phbox} % phantom box \newcommand{\ntry}{$\bigcirc$} \newcommand{\okay}{$\bigotimes$} % cross \newcommand{\err}{\rule[-0.065cm]{0.3cm}{0.3cm}} % black dot (square) %% %% Default observing and session characteristics %% \def\obsband{...-band} % C, L, X, S, K, Q %%\def\repnr{07/...} % yy/ss ; ss in Roman numerals - obsolete \def\obssrc{...} % source(s) observed \def\obslength{...} % duration of experiment in minutes \def\obsmode{256-8-2, dual pol.} % SCHED mode (somewhat obsolete) %% [total bit-rate (Mbps)]-[# channels]-[# bits] \def\refant{Effelsberg} % reference antenna used for clock-search \def\obsdate{../../07} % dd/mm/yy \def\refdate{\obsdate; ..d ..h 00m} % dayofyear, hours minutes \def\expcode{N07..} \def\repdate{../../07} % dd/mm/yy \def\reporter{...} % support scientist \def\ssemail{...@jive.nl} % your email address %% %% Table header, no need to modify %% \begin{document} \begin{landscape} \hsize 23cm\vsize 17cm\voffset 4.5cm\hoffset -2.5cm \begin{table*} \begin{flushleft}\begin{tabular}[t]{lrr} {\huge Network Monitoring Report:}&{\huge\bf \obsband}&{\huge \expcode}\\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline\hline\noalign{\smallskip} \end{tabular}\end{flushleft}\begin{flushleft}\begin{tabular}{lll} {\bf Source:} \obssrc&{\bf Length:} \obslength~min.& {\bf Observing mode:} Mk IV, mode \obsmode\\ {\bf Reference antenna:} \refant&{\bf Date of observations:} \obsdate& {\bf Reference date:} \refdate\\ {\bf Experiment code:} \expcode&{\bf Date of report:}\hfill \repdate& {{\bf by:} \reporter}\\ \end{tabular}\end{flushleft}\begin{flushleft}\begin{tabular}{lcllcl} &\okay & According to expectation, no special remarks& $\phantom{0000}$&\sqbox & Station did not observe (not scheduled)\\ &\err & Problem occured - see enclosed footnote(s)& $\phantom{0000}$&\ntry & Entry not applicable/investigated\\ \end{tabular}\end{flushleft} \begin{flushleft}\begin{tabular}{l|cccccccccccccccc} \hline\noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} %&\multicolumn{16}{c}{EVN stations}\\ &Cm&Ef&Jb&Mc&Nt&On&Sh&Tr&Ur&Wb&Ar&Hh&Mh&Yb&Wz&Ro\\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} %% %% Entry of faults and numbers start here %% ====================================== %% Station has observed &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Station produced fringes (ftp) &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Station produced fringes (disk) &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-17} \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-17} \noalign{\smallskip} Filled in TRACK &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Logs are available (within 72 hours) &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ GPS data available (within 7 days) &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Disks are available (within 7 days) &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Feedback on www (within 7 days) &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ \noalign{\smallskip} GPS clock estimate gives fringes &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Clock offset in $\mu$sec %% from the vex file after clock searching &$$ % Cm &$$ % Ef &$$ % Jb &$$ % Mc &$$ % Nt &$$ % On &$$ % Sh &$$ % Tr &$$ % Ur &$$ % Wb &$$ % Ar &$$ % Hh &$$ % Mh &$$ % Yb &$$ % Wz &$$ % Ro \\ \cline{2-17} Clock rate in psec/sec %% from the vex file after clock searching %% NB values in vex file are in microsec/sec: %% multiply by 10^6 to get picosec/sec. &$$ % Cm &$$ % Ef &$$ % Jb &$$ % Mc &$$ % Nt &$$ % On &$$ % Sh &$$ % Tr &$$ % Ur &$$ % Wb &$$ % Ar &$$ % Hh &$$ % Mh &$$ % Yb &$$ % Wz &$$ % Ro \\ \cline{2-17} \noalign{\smallskip} Recording okay &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ \noalign{\smallskip} Polarization setup okay &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Strong signal amplitude &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Phase cal aligns phases &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Sampler statistics okay %% New field since March 2007. %% can be checked in ``raw'' autocorrelation plots %% currently stored on /juw26_6/data/PltAuto/{EXP}/{job}.{sj}.auto.[ps|png|gif] %% (also in glish - tplot autos with type='samp') %% Autocorr-amp/2.7 = fraction of high bits = ``sampler stats'' %% Autocorr-amp = 1, fraction of high bits = 37% = OK %% Note if out by more than a few %, include footnote to specific BBC numbers. %% &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Please check VC number(s): & % Cm & % Ef & % Jb & % Mc & % Nt & % On & % Sh & % Tr & % Ur & % Wb & % Ar & % Hh & % Mh & % Yb & % Wz & % Ro \\ \cline{2-17} \noalign{\smallskip} Previous reported problem(s) corrected &\ntry % Cm &\ntry % Ef &\ntry % Jb &\ntry % Mc &\ntry % Nt &\ntry % On &\ntry % Sh &\ntry % Tr &\ntry % Ur &\ntry % Wb &\nobs % Ar &\nobs % Hh &\nobs % Mh &\nobs % Yb &\nobs % Wz &\nobs % Ro \\ Problem(s) first reported & % Cm & % Ef & % Jb & % Mc & % Nt & % On & % Sh & % Tr & % Ur & % Wb & % Ar & % Hh & % Mh & % Yb & % Wz & % Ro \\ \cline{2-17} %\noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} See enclosed footnote(s):% on seperate sheet & \bf{a} % Cm & % Ef & % Jb & % Mc & % Nt & % On & % Sh & % Tr & % Ur & % Wb & % Ar & % Hh & % Mh & % Yb & % Wz & % Ro \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \noalign{\smallskip{\bf Enclosure:} Footnotes \obsband\ \expcode} \end{tabular}\end{flushleft} \end{table*} %\vfill \clearpage \hoffset -2.5cm \voffset -1.5cm {\huge Footnotes to the Network Monitoring Report:\ {\bf \obsband}\ \expcode} \smallskip\hrule\hrule\vspace{1cm}\parindent=0pt\parskip=4pt {\bf General:} Place a general comment here {\bf a) Cm, Cambridge:} This would be a Cm comment % {\bf x) Ef, Effelsberg:} % {\bf x) Jb, Jodrell Bank:} % {\bf x) Mc, Medicina:} % {\bf x) Nt, Noto:} % {\bf x) On, Onsala:} % {\bf x) Sh, Shanghai:} % {\bf x) Tr, Torun:} % {\bf x) Ur, Urumqi:} % {\bf x) Wb, Westerbork:} % {\bf x) Ar, Arecibo:} % {\bf x) Hh, Hartebeesthoek:} % {\bf x) Mh, Mets\"ahovi:} % {\bf x) Yb, Yebes:} % {\bf x) Wz, Wettzell:} % {\bf x) Ro, Robledo:} \vspace{0.7cm}\hrule\smallskip{\it Questions? \ssemail} \hfill{Report ends} \end{landscape} \end{document}