Plot of the phase for a single channel
And here is a script that makes a plot of the phase for a single channel on a randomly chosen baseline:
from Wizardry.AIPSData import AIPSUVData from AIPS import AIPS from pylab import plot, show from math import atan2 AIPS.userno = 3601 data = AIPSUVData('MULTI', 'UVDATA', 1, 3) phase = [] time = [] for visibility in data: if visibility.baseline == [1, 2]: re = visibility.visibility[0, 0, 0, 0] im = visibility.visibility[0, 0, 0, 1] phase.append(atan2(re, im)) time.append(visibility.time) plot(time, phase, '.') show()
parseltongue/phaseplot.txt · Last modified: 2007/07/09 14:23 by