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NEXPReS Management Team meeting


2010 Aug 27 Fri


  1. general update on stuff
  2. preparation for Board Meeting
  3. potential November All Hands meeting
  4. use of wiki
  5. deliverables
  6. monthly reports (via wiki)
  7. pre-financing
  8. mailing lists
  9. next call
  10. any other item that gets mailed to me

general update on stuff

  1. contract is signed
  2. we have money, can not distrib until CA is received
  3. CA is in proces
  4. planning for board mtg

preparation for Board Meeting

  1. all of you will give a talk
  2. assuming you are all participating
  3. TCY will try to have drafts of his slides posted to the meeting's agenda so that you can all see/compare

Note: confirmed that all WP leaders participating

Note: TCY has posted some very draft slides so that you can steal ODT template, see format, judge level of detail, etc.

potential November All Hands meeting

  1. discussed lightly, but asking officially
  2. SURFnet indicates that they could provide meeting space close to an airport (and easy for us as we are almost all from NL)
  3. vote now or via email by 1 Sep


We will *NOT* hold an all hands meeting in November 2010.

We will hold another MT telecon in the mid-November timeframe.

We will push the all hands meeting to late January or early February 2011.

use of wiki

  1. it is filling up quickly
  2. lots of stuff
  3. please use it
  4. email if you need an account

monthly reports (via wiki)

  1. there is a template for the monthly report up
  2. outline for first month report is up
  3. it is in the protected section, if you can not access, let me know

Note that the template for the report has some problems with fixed links.


  1. WP kickoffs
  2. also done via wiki
  3. please let CHARLES do all edits on this (curr, permissions are prob open)


  1. as mentioned, i have ~1.5M Euro. There are many houses in the neighborhood that are more expensive that this. Don't tempt me to start negotiating.

mailing lists

  1. you are all on the nexpres-activity@ list. if you have not been receiving those emails, please let me know.

Note that a snapshot in time of mailing list membership is kept via:

This snapshot is made manually and will almost certainly be out of date. As the lists hold email addresses, you will need to log in to see the details.

next call

  1. mid-November? A quick call prior to the face-to-face

decided against the november all hands meeting, but agreed to another telecon at that time.

any other item that gets mailed to me

Kristine asked for input/feedback on the design of the new NEXPReS display. An email with additional information was sent out on 23 Aug. Kristine will report on results.

nexpres/nexpres_mt_telecon_2010-08.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/30 07:27 by