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EXPReS Board Meeting


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 09:00-09:30  MAG  Welcome 
                   - Acknowlege Agenda
                   - Minutes, secretary and action items
                   - Quorum
                   - Gather names, contact info
                   - Introduction of individuals: board vs. proxy
                   - Initiation of Board, responsibilities
 09:30-10:00  MAG  Election of Chair (Chr) and Vice-Chair
                   - Announce names/suggestions
                   - Discussion, as necessary
                   - Vote
 10:00-10:15  Chr  Acknowledge
                   - Project Coordinator
                   - Project Manager
                   - Introduction of Management Team, responsibil
 10:15-10:30  TCY  Consortium Agreement
                   - Highlights and overview of responsibilities
                   - Board functions
                   - Voting, Proxy
                   - Quorum, Majority
 10:30-10:45  TCY  Project Management Update (1 of 2)
                   - Reporting requirements for EC
                   - Audits, audit certificates
                   - Annual review
                   - Discussion
 10:45-11:15  ---  Break
 11:15-11:45  TCY  Project Management Update (2 of 2)
                   - Timeline from ProjMgmt POV
                   - financial withholdings, 10% per year
                   - payments to sites
                   - Discussion
 12:30-13:30  ---  Lunch
 13:30-13:40  TCY  Contact information
                   - email addr, alternate individuals
                   - financial contact
                   - administrative contact
 13:40-13:50  MAG  Call for hosts
                   - 6th International e-VLBI Workshop, Europe
 13:50-14:15  MAG  Subcontracts
                   - MIT/Haystack, explanation
                   - Descision by Board
 14:15-14:30  HvL  FABRIC: Management update
 14:30-15:00  Chr  ??? [1]
              Szo  Future use of lightpaths by EVN and JIVE
 15:00-15:30  ---  Break
 15:30-16:00  Chr  ??? [2]
 16:00-17:15  MAG  FP7, e-Infrastructures
                   - Discussion
 17:15-17:30  TCY  Wrap up/Closing
 Note 2:  Providing two sessions (45 min and 30 min) for items suggested by Board prior to the meeting.
kickoff/expres_board_meeting.txt · Last modified: 2007/05/11 14:15 by