Table of Contents
WP1 Scalable Connectivity
WP1.1 Data acquisition
1.1.1 Data acquisition architecture
- Data Acquisition Architecture Requirements document. Mujunen et.al. 2006-05-05_daqreqs.pdf
- Data Acquisition Architecture Design document. Mujunen et.al. data_acquisition_design.pdf
1.1.2 Data acquisition prototype
- D77: Data Acquisition Prototype at Telescope. Mujunen et al. d77.pdf
1.1.3 Data acquisition control
WP1.2 Broadband data path
1.2.1 Broadband protocols
- Protocol investigation for e-VLBI data-transfer. Strong et al. PDF version of document
1.2.2 Broadband data processor interface
- Export/Import of VLBI Data from/to eMerlin. Bryan Anderson expimpvlbidata_emerlin.pdf
- Minutes of Get-Together Meeting. 1 Sept 2006 fabric_wp1_2_2_gettogethermeeting.doc
1.2.3 Broadband integration and test
- Telecom on zeroth order PC-EVN demonstration: mom20060522.txt
- FABRIC Month 7 demo report fabric1_2_3_month7jec3.pdf
1.2.4 Public to dedicated network interface
- LOFAR connection strategic document version 1.3 - replaces previous version
expres/fabric/wp1_scalable_connectivity.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/03 12:53 by jive_admin