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Journal Articles

Alexandroff, R., Overzier, R.A., Paragi, Z., Basu-Zych, A., Heckman, T., Kauffmann, G., Bourke, S., Lobanov, A., Ptak, A., Schiminovich, D., “A search for active galactic nuclei in the most extreme UV-selected starbursts using the European VLBI Network”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423, 1325-1334

Amiri, N., Vlemmings, W.H.T., van Langevelde, H.J., “The kinematics and magnetic fields in water-fountain sources based on OH maser observations”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 532, 149

Amiri, N., Vlemmings, W.H.T., Kemball, A.J., van Langevelde, H.J., “VLBA SiO maser observations of the OH/IR star OH 44.8-2.3: magnetic field and morphology”, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 538, 136

An, T., Wu, F., Yang, J., et al., “VLBI Observations of 10 Compact Symmetric Object Candidates: Expansion Velocities of Hot Spots”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 198, 5

Bartkiewicz, A., Szymczak, M., Pihlström, Y.M., van Langevelde, H.J., Brunthaler, A., Reid, M.J., “VLA observations of water masers towards 6.7 GHz methanol maser sources, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 525, 120

Bartkiewicz, A., Szymczak, M., van Langevelde, H.J., “Milliarcsecond structure of water maser emission in two young high-mass stellar objects associated with methanol masers, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541, 72

Christophe, B., Spilker, L.J., Anderson, J.D. (including Pogrebenko, S.V.), “OSS (Outer Solar System): a fundamental and planetary physics mission to Neptune, Triton and the Kuiper Belt”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 34, 203-242

Cseh, D., Corbel, S., Kaaret, P., Lang, C., Grisé, F., Paragi, Z., Tzioumis, A., Tudose, V., Feng, H., “Black Hole Powered Nebulae and a Case Study of the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source IC 342 X-1”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal, 749, 17

Duev, D.A., Pogrebenko, S.V., Molera Calvés, G., “A tropospheric signal delay model for radio astronomical observations”, 2011, Astronomy Reports, 55, 1008-1015

Duev, D.A., Molera Calvés, G., Pogrebenko, S.V., Gurvits, L.I., Cimó, G., Bocanegra Bahamon, T., “Spacecraft VLBI and Doppler tracking: algorithms and implementation”, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541, 43

Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Gurvits, L.I., Gabányi, K.É., Cseh, D., “Into the central 10 pc of the most distant known radio quasar. VLBI imaging observations of J1429+5447 at z = 6.21”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 531, L5

Frey, S., Paragi, Z., An, T., Gabányi, K.É., “Two in one? A possible dual radio-emitting nucleus in the quasar SDSS J1425+3231”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425, 1185-1191

Giroletti, M., Paragi, Z., Bignall, H., Doi, A., Foschini, L., Gabányi, K. É., Reynolds, C., Blanchard, J., Campbell, R.M., Colomer, F., Hong, X., Kadler, K., Kino, M., van Langevelde, H.J., Nagai, H., Phillips, C., Sekido, M., Szomoru, A., Tzioumis, A.K., “Global e-VLBI observations of the gamma-ray narrow line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 528, L11

Gowen, R.A., Smith, A., Fortes, A.D. et al. (including Gurvits, L.), “Penetrators for in situ subsurface investigations of Europa”, 2011, Advances in Space Research, 48, 725-742

Lebach, D.E., Bartel, N., Bietenholz, M.F., Campbell, R.M. et al., “VLBI for Gravity Probe B. IV. A New Astrometric Analysis Technique and a Comparison with Results from Other Techniques”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 201, 4

McKean, J.P., Berciano Alba, A., Volino, F., Tudose, V., Garrett, M.A., Loenen, A.F., Paragi, Z., Wucknitz, O., “A new perspective on the submillimetre galaxy MM 18423+5938 at redshift 3.9296 from radio continuum imaging”, 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414, L11-L15

Mimoun, D., Wieczorek, M.A., Alkalai, L. (including Gurvits, L.I.), “Farside explorer: unique science from a mission to the farside of the moon”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 529-585

Oberst, J., Lainey, V., Le Poncin-Lafitte, C. et al. (including Gurvits, L.), “GETEMME—a mission to explore the Martian satellites and the fundamentals of solar system physics”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 34, 243-271

O'Sullivan, S.P., Gabuzda, D.C., Gurvits, L.I., “Multifrequency polarization properties of 10 quasars on decaparsec scales at z > 3”, 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415, 3049-3064

Rastorgueva, E.A., Wiik, K.J., Bajkova, A.T., Valtaoja, E., Takalo, L.O., Vetukhnovskaya, Y.N., Mahmud, M., “Multi-frequency VLBA study of the blazar S5 0716+714 during the active state in 2004. II. Large-scale jet kinematics and the comparison of the different methods of VLBI data imaging as applied to kinematic studies of AGN”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 529, 2

Rushton, A, Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Campana, R., Evangelista, Y., Paragi, Z. et al., “A weak compact jet in a soft state of Cygnus X-1”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, 3194-3199

Rygl, K.L.J., Brunthaler, A., Sanna, A., Menten, K.M., Reid, M.J., van Langevelde, H.J., Honma, M., Torstensson, K.J.E., Fujisawa, K., “Parallaxes and proper motions of interstellar masers toward the Cygnus X star-forming complex. I. Membership of the Cygnus X region”, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 539, 79

Surcis, G., Vlemmings, W.H.T., Torres, R.M., van Langevelde, H.J., Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., “The properties and polarization of the H2O and CH3OH maser environment of NGC 7538-IRS 1”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 533, 47

Surcis, G., Vlemmings, W.H.T., van Langevelde, H.J., Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., “EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions”, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541, 47

Szymczak, M., Wolak, P., Bartkiewicz, A., van Langevelde, H.J., “Periodic variability of 6.7 GHz methanol masers in G22.357+0.066”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 531, L3

Torstensson, K.J.E., van der Tak, F.F.S., van Langevelde, H.J., Kristensen, L.E., Vlemmings, W.H.T., “Distribution and excitation of thermal methanol in 6.7 GHz maser bearing star-forming regions. I. The nearby source Cepheus A”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 529, 32

Torstensson, K.J.E., van Langevelde, H.J., Vlemmings, W.H.T., Bourke, S., “Dynamics of the 6.7 and 12.2 GHz methanol masers around Cepheus A HW2”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 526, 38

Turner, R.J., Ellingsen, S.P., Shabala, S.S. et al. (including Cimò, G.), “BL Lac Object PKS B1144-379: An Extreme Scintillator”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 754, L19

van der Horst, A.J., Kamble, A.P., Paragi, Z., Sage, L.J., Pal, S., Taylor, G.B., Kouveliotou, C.,, Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., Oosterloo, T.A., Wijers, R.A.M.J., Wiersema, K., Strom, R.G., Bhattacharya, D., Rol, E., Starling, R.L.C., Curran, P.A., Garrett, M.A., “Detailed Radio View on Two Stellar Explosions and Their Host Galaxy: XRF 080109/SN 2008D and SN 2007uy in NGC 2770”, 2011, The Astrophysical Journal, 726, 99

Wilson, C.F., Chassefière, E., Hinglais, E. et al. (including Pogrebenko, S.V.), “The 2010 European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission proposal”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 305-335

Yang, J., Paragi, Z., Corbel, S., Gurvits, L.I., Campbell, R.M., Brocksopp, C., “Transient relativistic ejections and stationary core in XTE J1752-223”, 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418, L25-L29

Yang, J., Wu, F., Paragi, Z., An, T., “The radio core and jet in the broad absorption-line quasar PG 1700+518”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, L74-L78

Yang, J., Xu, Y., Li, Z., Paragi, Z., Campbell, R.M., Gurvits, L.I., Shen, Z., Hong, X., Xia, B., Shu, F., “Very long baseline interferometry detection of the Galactic black hole binary candidate MAXI J1836-194”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 426, L66-L70

Zhu, R.-J., Zhang, X.-Z., Wei, W.-R. et al. (including Luo, J.-T.), “The progress of modern Chinese Data Acquisition System”, 2011, Progress in Astronomy, 29, 207-217

Astronomer's Telegrams and other electronic circulars

Fogasy, J., Yang,J., Paragi, Z., “Swift J1910.2-0546/MAXI J1910-057: e-EVN non-detection at 1.6 GHz”, 2012, The Astronomer's Telegram #4171

Fuse, T. et al. [including Pogrebenko, S.], “2012 LT7 = 2009 MH1”, 2012, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, 109

O'Brien, T.J., Yang, J., Paragi, Z., et al. “Nova Mon 2012 resolved as a double radio source”, 2012, The Astronomer's Telegram #4408

Tholen, D.J. et al. (including Pogrebenko, S.), “2011 HM102”, 2012, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, 05

Xu, Y., Yang, J., Paragi, Z.: “EVN detection of the newly-discovered black hole candidate MAXI J1836-194”, 2011, The Astronomer's Telegram #3790

Books and PhD theses

Barbosa, D., Anton, S., Gurvits, L., Maia, M., “The Square Kilometre Array: Paving the way for the new 21st century radio astronomy paradigm”, Proceedings of Symposium 7 of JENAM 2010, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, ISBN 978-3-642-22794-3. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012

Duev, D., 2012, “Astrometric Applications of Space VLBI”, PhD thesis, Lomonosov State University, Moscow

Luo, J., 2012, “Research on Key Techniques for Digital Pulsar Machine”, PhD Dissertation, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Shanghai

Molera Calvés, G., 2012, “Radio spectroscopy and space science with VLBI radio telescopes for Solar System research”, PhD Dissertation, Aalto University. (Publication No. 42/2012, ISBN 978-952-60-4580-1)

Conference papers and other publications

Amiri, N., Vlemmings, W., van Langevelde, H.J., “W43A: magnetic field and morphology”, 2011, Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae 5 Conference, 81

Amiri, N., Vlemmings, W., van Langevelde, H., Kemball, A., “Magnetic Fields And Developing Asymmetries In Circumstellar Masers”, 2011, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 218, 21904

Amiri, N., Vlemmings, W., Kemball, A. van Langevelde, H., “VLBA SiO maser maps of the star OH 44.8-2.3 (Amiri+, 2012), 2012, VizieR Online Data Catalog, 353, 89136

Amiri, N., Vlemmings, W., Kemball, A., van Langevelde, H., “VLBA SiO maser observations of the OH/IR star OH 44.8-2.3: magnetic field and morphology”, 2012, IAU Symposium, 287, 54-58

Bartkiewicz, A., van Langevelde, H.J., Vlemmings, W.H.T., Humphreys, E.M.L., “Masers in star forming regions”, 2012, IAU Symposium, 287, 117-126

Cimò, G., Gurvits, L., “Multi-Epoch VLBI observations of the extreme scintillator J1819+3845” 2011, IAU Symposium, 275, 192-193

Duev, D., “VLBI observations of spacecraft with EVN radio telescopes”, 2011, 41st Young European Radio Astronomers Conference, 12

Ettl, M., Neidhardt, A., Rottmann, H. et al. (including Szomoru, A.), “Concepts for continuous quality monitoring and station remote control”, 2011, Proceedings of the 20th EVGA Meeting, held 29-31 March, 2011 at Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany. Edited by Walter Alef, Simone Bernhart, and Axel Nothnagel, p.22

Hargreaves, J.E., “UniBoard: generic hardware for radio astronomy signal processing”, 2012, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 8452, article id. 84522M, 6 pp.

Kellermann, K., Orchiston, W., Davies, R., Gurvits L. et al., “Division X, XII / Commission 40, 41/ Working Group Radio Astronomy”, 2012, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A, 28, 311-313

Kettenis, M., Sipior, M., “ParselTongue: AIPS Python Interface”, 2012, Astrophysics Source Code Library, 08020

Mühle, S., Campbell, R.M., Szomoru, A., “Recent Developments at the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE)”, 2011, Proceedings of the 20th EVGA Meeting, held 29-31 March, 2011 at Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany. Edited by Walter Alef, Simone Bernhart, and Axel Nothnagel, p.52

Giroletti, M., Paragi, Z., Bignall, H.E. et al., “Global eVLBI observations of J0948+0022”, 2011, Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies and their Place in the Universe, 51

Paragi, Z., van der Horst, A.J., Tanaka, M., Taylor, G.B., Kouveliotou, C., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Pidopryhora, Y., Bourke, S., Campbell, R.M., Garrett, M.A., van Langevelde, H.J., “Is there a mildly relativistic jet in SN2007gr?”, 2011, IAU Symposium, 275, 319-320

Paragi, Z., Belloni, T., van der Horst, A, Miller-Jones, J., “VLBI Observations of the Shortest Orbital Period Black Hole X-Ray Binary”, 2012, International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series, 8, 380

Pidopryhora, Y., Lockman, F.J., Rupen, M.P., “A High-Resolution Study of Two Galactic H I Halo Clouds in the Ophiuchus Superbubble”, 2012, EAS Publications Series, 56, 171-174

Richards, A.M.S., Assaf, K.A., Bains, I. et al. (including van Langevelde, H.J.), 2011, Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae 5 Conference, 76

Surcis, G., Vlemmings, W.H.T., van Langevelde, H.J., Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., Vlemmings, W.H.T., Humphreys, E.M.L., “High resolution magnetic field measurements in high-mass star-forming regions using masers”, 2012, IAU Symposium, 287, 69-73

Thuillot, W., Lainey, V., Dehant, V. et al. (including Gurvits, L.I.), “ESPACE, European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides”, 2011, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, 1833

Thuillot, W., Lainey, V., Dehant, V. et al. (including Gurvits, L.I.), “A New Consortium: the European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides (ESPaCE)”, 2012, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI, 461, 659

Takahashi, S., Deguchi, S., Kuno, N., Iino, T., Hamura, T., Pogrebenko, S.V., Gurvits, L.I., Yoshida, F., “A Search for Water Masers in Icy Bodies of the Solar System”, 2012, LPI Contributions, 1667, 6228

Tornatore, V., Haas, R., Duev, D., Pogrebenko, S., Casey, S., Molera Calvés, G., Keimpema, A., “Single baseline GLONASS observations with VLBI: data processing and first results”, 2011, Proceedings of the 20th EVGA Meeting, held 29-31 March, 2011 at Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany. Edited by Walter Alef, Simone Bernhart, and Axel Nothnagel, p. 162

Torstensson, K.J.E., van Langevelde, H.J., van der Tak F. et al. (including Bourke, S.), “Methanol masers and millimetre lines: a common origin in protostellar envelopes”, 2012, IAU Symposium, 287, 146-150

Van Der Horst, A., Kouveliotou, C., Paragi, Z., et al., “Detailed Broadband Study of the Shortest Orbital Period Black-hole Binary Maxi J1659-152”, 2011, AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division, 12

2011-2012/publications.1369844371.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/29 16:19 by paragi