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Journal Articles

Alexandroff, R., Overzier, R.A., *Paragi, Z.*, Basu-Zych, A., Heckman, T., Kauffmann, G., *Bourke, S.*, Lobanov, A., Ptak, A., Schiminovich, D., “A search for active galactic nuclei in the most extreme UV-selected starbursts using the European VLBI Network”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423, 1325-1334

*Amiri, N.*, Vlemmings, W.H.T., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, “The kinematics and magnetic fields in water-fountain sources based on OH maser observations”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 532, 149

*Amiri, N.*, Vlemmings, W.H.T., Kemball, A.J., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, “VLBA SiO maser observations of the OH/IR star OH 44.8-2.3: magnetic field and morphology”, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 538, 136

An, T., Wu, F., *Yang, J.*, et al., “VLBI Observations of 10 Compact Symmetric Object Candidates: Expansion Velocities of Hot Spots”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 198, 5

Bartkiewicz, A., Szymczak, M., Pihlström, Y.M., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Brunthaler, A., Reid, M.J., “VLA observations of water masers towards 6.7 GHz methanol maser sources, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 525, 120

Bartkiewicz, A., Szymczak, M., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, “Milliarcsecond structure of water maser emission in two young high-mass stellar objects associated with methanol masers, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541, 72

Christophe, B., Spilker, L.J., Anderson, J.D. (including *Pogrebenko, S.V.*), “OSS (Outer Solar System): a fundamental and planetary physics mission to Neptune, Triton and the Kuiper Belt”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 34, 203-242

Cseh, D., Corbel, S., Kaaret, P., Lang, C., Grisé, F., *Paragi, Z.*, Tzioumis, A., Tudose, V., Feng, H., “Black Hole Powered Nebulae and a Case Study of the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source IC 342 X-1”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal, 749, 17

*Duev, D.A.*, *Pogrebenko, S.V.*, *Molera Calvés, G.*, “A tropospheric signal delay model for radio astronomical observations”, 2011, Astronomy Reports, 55, 1008-1015

*Duev, D.A.*, *Molera Calvés, G.*, *Pogrebenko, S.V.*, *Gurvits, L.I.*, *Cimó, G.*, *Bocanegra Bahamon, T.*, “Spacecraft VLBI and Doppler tracking: algorithms and implementation”, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541, 43

Frey, S., *Paragi, Z.*, *Gurvits, L.I.*, Gabányi, K.É., Cseh, D., “Into the central 10 pc of the most distant known radio quasar. VLBI imaging observations of J1429+5447 at z = 6.21”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 531, L5

Frey, S., *Paragi, Z.*, An, T., Gabányi, K.É., “Two in one? A possible dual radio-emitting nucleus in the quasar SDSS J1425+3231”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425, 1185-1191

Giroletti, M., *Paragi, Z.*, Bignall, H., Doi, A., Foschini, L., Gabányi, K. É., Reynolds, C., Blanchard, J., *Campbell, R.M.*, Colomer, F., Hong, X., Kadler, K., Kino, M., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Nagai, H., Phillips, C., Sekido, M., *Szomoru, A.*, Tzioumis, A.K., “Global e-VLBI observations of the gamma-ray narrow line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 528, L11

Gowen, R.A., Smith, A., Fortes, A.D. et al. (including *Gurvits, L.*), “Penetrators for in situ subsurface investigations of Europa”, 2011, Advances in Space Research, 48, 725-742

Lebach, D.E., Bartel, N., Bietenholz, M.F., *Campbell, R.M.* et al., “VLBI for Gravity Probe B. IV. A New Astrometric Analysis Technique and a Comparison with Results from Other Techniques”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 201, 4

McKean, J.P., Berciano Alba, A., Volino, F., Tudose, V., Garrett, M.A., Loenen, A.F., *Paragi, Z.*, Wucknitz, O., “A new perspective on the submillimetre galaxy MM 18423+5938 at redshift 3.9296 from radio continuum imaging”, 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414, L11-L15

Mimoun, D., Wieczorek, M.A., Alkalai, L. (including *Gurvits, L.I.*), “Farside explorer: unique science from a mission to the farside of the moon”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 529-585

Oberst, J., Lainey, V., Le Poncin-Lafitte, C. et al. (including *Gurvits, L.*), “GETEMME—a mission to explore the Martian satellites and the fundamentals of solar system physics”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 34, 243-271

O'Sullivan, S.P., Gabuzda, D.C., *Gurvits, L.I.*, “Multifrequency polarization properties of 10 quasars on decaparsec scales at z > 3”, 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415, 3049-3064

Rastorgueva, E.A., Wiik, K.J., Bajkova, A.T., Valtaoja, E., Takalo, L.O., Vetukhnovskaya, Y.N., *Mahmud, M.*, “Multi-frequency VLBA study of the blazar S5 0716+714 during the active state in 2004. II. Large-scale jet kinematics and the comparison of the different methods of VLBI data imaging as applied to kinematic studies of AGN”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 529, 2

Rushton, A, Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Campana, R., Evangelista, Y., *Paragi, Z.* et al., “A weak compact jet in a soft state of Cygnus X-1”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, 3194-3199

Rygl, K.L.J., Brunthaler, A., Sanna, A., Menten, K.M., Reid, M.J., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Honma, M., Torstensson, K.J.E., Fujisawa, K., “Parallaxes and proper motions of interstellar masers toward the Cygnus X star-forming complex. I. Membership of the Cygnus X region”, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 539, 79

Surcis, G., Vlemmings, W.H.T., Torres, R.M., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., “The properties and polarization of the H2O and CH3OH maser environment of NGC 7538-IRS 1”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 533, 47

*Surcis, G.*, Vlemmings, W.H.T., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., “EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions”, 2012, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541, 47

Szymczak, M., Wolak, P., Bartkiewicz, A., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, “Periodic variability of 6.7 GHz methanol masers in G22.357+0.066”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 531, L3

Torstensson, K.J.E., van der Tak, F.F.S., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Kristensen, L.E., Vlemmings, W.H.T., “Distribution and excitation of thermal methanol in 6.7 GHz maser bearing star-forming regions. I. The nearby source Cepheus A”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 529, 32

*Torstensson, K.J.E.*, *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Vlemmings, W.H.T., *Bourke, S.*, “Dynamics of the 6.7 and 12.2 GHz methanol masers around Cepheus A HW2”, 2011, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 526, 38

Turner, R.J., Ellingsen, S.P., Shabala, S.S. et al. (including *Cimò, G.*), “BL Lac Object PKS B1144-379: An Extreme Scintillator”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 754, L19

van der Horst, A.J., Kamble, A.P., *Paragi, Z.*, Sage, L.J., Pal, S., Taylor, G.B., Kouveliotou, C.,, Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., Oosterloo, T.A., Wijers, R.A.M.J., Wiersema, K., Strom, R.G., Bhattacharya, D., Rol, E., Starling, R.L.C., Curran, P.A., Garrett, M.A., “Detailed Radio View on Two Stellar Explosions and Their Host Galaxy: XRF 080109/SN 2008D and SN 2007uy in NGC 2770”, 2011, The Astrophysical Journal, 726, 99

Wilson, C.F., Chassefière, E., Hinglais, E. et al. (including *Pogrebenko, S.V.*), “The 2010 European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission proposal”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 305-335

*Yang, J.*, *Paragi, Z.*, Corbel, S., *Gurvits, L.I.*, *Campbell, R.M.*, Brocksopp, C., “Transient relativistic ejections and stationary core in XTE J1752-223”, 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418, L25-L29

*Yang, J.*, Wu, F., *Paragi, Z.*, An, T., “The radio core and jet in the broad absorption-line quasar PG 1700+518”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, L74-L78

*Yang, J.*, Xu, Y., Li, Z., *Paragi, Z.*, *Campbell, R.M.*, *Gurvits, L.I.*, Shen, Z., Hong, X., Xia, B., Shu, F., “Very long baseline interferometry detection of the Galactic black hole binary candidate MAXI J1836-194”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 426, L66-L70

Zhu, R.-J., Zhang, X.-Z., Wei, W.-R. et al. (including *Luo, J.-T.*), “The progress of modern Chinese Data Acquisition System”, 2011, Progress in Astronomy, 29, 207-217

Astronomer's Telegrams and other electronic circulars

Fogasy, J., *Yang,J.*, *Paragi, Z.*, “Swift J1910.2-0546/MAXI J1910-057: e-EVN non-detection at 1.6 GHz”, 2012, The Astronomer's Telegram #4171

Fuse, T. et al. [including *Pogrebenko, S.*], “2012 LT7 = 2009 MH1”, 2012, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, 109

O'Brien, T.J., *Yang, J.*, *Paragi, Z.*, et al. “Nova Mon 2012 resolved as a double radio source”, 2012, The Astronomer's Telegram #4408

Tholen, D.J. et al. (including *Pogrebenko, S.*), “2011 HM102”, 2012, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, 05

Xu, Y., *Yang, J.*, *Paragi, Z.*: “EVN detection of the newly-discovered black hole candidate MAXI J1836-194”, 2011, The Astronomer's Telegram #3790

Books and PhD theses

Barbosa, D., Anton, S., *Gurvits, L.*, Maia, M., “The Square Kilometre Array: Paving the way for the new 21st century radio astronomy paradigm”, Proceedings of Symposium 7 of JENAM 2010, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, ISBN 978-3-642-22794-3. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012

*Molera Calvés, G.*, 2012, “Radio spectroscopy and space science with VLBI radio telescopes for Solar System research”, PhD Dissertation, Aalto University. (Publication No. 42/2012, ISBN 978-952-60-4580-1)

Conference papers and other publications

*Amiri, N.*, Vlemmings, W., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, “W43A: magnetic field and morphology”, 2011, Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae 5 Conference, 81

*Amiri, N.*, Vlemmings, W., *van Langevelde, H.*, Kemball, A., “Magnetic Fields And Developing Asymmetries In Circumstellar Masers”, 2011, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 218, 21904

*Amiri, N.*, Vlemmings, W., Kemball, A. *van Langevelde, H.*, “VLBA SiO maser maps of the star OH 44.8-2.3 (Amiri+, 2012), 2012, VizieR Online Data Catalog, 353, 89136

*Amiri, N.*, Vlemmings, W., Kemball, A. *van Langevelde, H.*, “VLBA SiO maser observations of the OH/IR star OH 44.8-2.3: magnetic field and morphology”, 2012, IAU Symposium, 287, 54-58

Bartkiewicz, A., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Vlemmings, W.H.T., Humphreys, E.M.L., “Masers in star forming regions”, 2012, IAU Symposium, 287, 117-126

*Cimò, G.*, *Gurvits, L.*, “Multi-Epoch VLBI observations of the extreme scintillator J1819+3845” 2011, IAU Symposium, 275, 192-193

*Duev, D.*, “VLBI observations of spacecraft with EVN radio telescopes”, 2011, 41st Young European Radio Astronomers Conference, 12

Ettl, M., Neidhardt, A., Rottmann, H. et al. (including *Szomoru, A.*), “Concepts for continuous quality monitoring and station remote control”, 2011, Proceedings of the 20th EVGA Meeting, held 29-31 March, 2011 at Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany. Edited by Walter Alef, Simone Bernhart, and Axel Nothnagel, p.22

*Hargreaves, J.E.*, “UniBoard: generic hardware for radio astronomy signal processing”, 2012, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 8452, article id. 84522M, 6 pp.

Kellermann, K., Orchiston, W., Davies, R., *Gurvits L.* et al., “Division X, XII / Commission 40, 41/ Working Group Radio Astronomy”, 2012, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A, 28, 311-313

*Kettenis, M.*, Sipior, M., “ParselTongue: AIPS Python Interface”, 2012, Astrophysics Source Code Library, 08020

*Mühle, S.*, *Campbell, R.M.*, *Szomoru, A.*, “Recent Developments at the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE)”, 2011, Proceedings of the 20th EVGA Meeting, held 29-31 March, 2011 at Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany. Edited by Walter Alef, Simone Bernhart, and Axel Nothnagel, p.52

Giroletti, M., *Paragi, Z.*, Bignall, H.E. et al., “Global eVLBI observations of J0948+0022”, 2011, Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies and their Place in the Universe, 51

*Paragi, Z.*, van der Horst, A.J., Tanaka, M., Taylor, G.B., Kouveliotou, C., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., *Pidopryhora*, Y., *Bourke, S.*, *Campbell, R.M.*, Garrett, M.A., *van Langevelde*, H.J., “Is there a mildly relativistic jet in SN2007gr?”, 2011, IAU Symposium, 275, 319-320

*Paragi, Z.*, Belloni, T., van der Horst, A, Miller-Jones, J., “VLBI Observations of the Shortest Orbital Period Black Hole X-Ray Binary”, 2012, International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series, 8, 380

*Pidopryhora, Y.*, Lockman, F.J., Rupen, M.P., “A High-Resolution Study of Two Galactic H I Halo Clouds in the Ophiuchus Superbubble”, 2012, EAS Publications Series, 56, 171-174

Richards, A.M.S., Assaf, K.A., Bains, I. et al. (including *van Langevelde, H.*), 2011, Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae 5 Conference, 76

*Surcis, G.*, Vlemmings, W.H.T., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., Vlemmings, W.H.T., Humphreys, E.M.L., “High resolution magnetic field measurements in high-mass star-forming regions using masers”, 2012, IAU Symposium, 287, 69-73

Thuillot, W., Lainey, V., Dehant, V. et al. (including *Gurvits, L.I.*), “ESPACE, European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides”, 2011, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, 1833

Thuillot, W., Lainey, V., Dehant, V. et al. (including *Gurvits, L.I.*), “A New Consortium: the European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides (ESPaCE)”, 2012, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI, 461, 659

Takahashi, S., Deguchi, S., Kuno, N., Iino, T., Hamura, T., *Pogrebenko, S.V.*, *Gurvits, L.I.*, Yoshida, F., “A Search for Water Masers in Icy Bodies of the Solar System”, 2012, LPI Contributions, 1667, 6228

Tornatore, V., Haas, R., *Duev, D.*, *Pogrebenko, S.*, Casey, S., *Molera Calvés, G.*, *Keimpema, A.*, “Single baseline GLONASS observations with VLBI: data processing and first results”, 2011, Proceedings of the 20th EVGA Meeting, held 29-31 March, 2011 at Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany. Edited by Walter Alef, Simone Bernhart, and Axel Nothnagel, p. 162

Torstensson, K.J.E., *van Langevelde, H.J.*, van der Tak F. et al. (including *Bourke, S.*), “Methanol masers and millimetre lines: a common origin in protostellar envelopes”, 2012, IAU Symposium, 287, 146-150

Van Der Horst, A., Kouveliotou, C., *Paragi, Z.*, et al., “Detailed Broadband Study of the Shortest Orbital Period Black-hole Binary Maxi J1659-152”, 2011, AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division, 12

2011-2012/publications.1369788066.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/29 00:41 by paragi