Proposals for experimental science use of the EVN's developing e-VLBI real-time VLBI capability are invited during the following 28 hr period

Run start Run end Proposal Deadline
Thur, 26th Oct, 09 UTC Fri, 27th Oct, 13 UTC Thur,12th Oct,23:59:59 UTC

Using antennas Wb14 (tied array), Tr, On, Mc, Jb2, Cm

Available observing bands are either 6cm and 18cm bands (but not both). Only continuum proposals are presently supported. The expected bit rate is 128 Mbit/s.

Proposals can be made for any length of time within the above slot up to 24 hours in length.

The observations will be run at the highest possible bit rate consistent with internet traffic. Based on recent experience it is expected that 128 Mbit/s will be achieved; however due to the still experimental nature of the system this cannot be guaranteed.

To accommodate observations requiring rapid reaction and results, e-VLBI proposals can be made up to two weeks prior to the observations by the special deadline given above. Envisioned ideal uses for e-VLBI runs are 1) Targets of Opportunity, 2) Preliminary fringe test or other observations where rapid turnaround is required to plan future proposals or observations. Any submitted e-VLBI proposals which can be better executed in regular session observations are very unlikely to be scheduled for these e-VLBI runs. In all cases proposed projects should take account of the limited numbers of telescopes and bandwidth available, carefully justifying that the science goals can be reached.

Proposals are eligible for scheduling only for the above advertised run. Proprietary rights on the data are the standard ones of one year after data distribution. PIs are strongly encouraged to visit JIVE during or immediately after the observations to help rapidly reduce their data. Proposals submitted for the above e-VLBI deadline will be reviewed by the EVN PC within one week. Scheduling of these proposals will be carried out by JIVE staff using information supplied in the proposal. Proposals must therefore contain all the necessary information needed for scheduling, including the exact target and calibrator positions etc. All proposers MUST contact Bob Campbell ( in good time PRIOR to submitting their proposal to ensure that all technical aspects required for observation and correlation are fully described in the proposal. Before submitting a proposal, proposers should also consult the web pages at where updated information about the status of each run can be found. Proposals should use the standard VLBI proposal cover sheet and include the normal scientific justification. The standard limits of 2 pages of text and 2 additional pages of diagrams will be strictly enforced. Proposals must be mailed to The email subject line should clearly state 'e-VLBI proposal'.

The continuing development of e-VLBI within the EVN is made possible via the EXPReS project funded by the EC FP6 IST Integrated infrastructure initiative contract #026642 - with a goal to achieve 1 Gbit/s e-VLBI real time data transfer.