Table of Contents

EXPReS Display

A large display board is available for your use at conferences, demonstrations, open days or temporary display at your institute. Set-up takes approximately 15 minutes and can be done by one person, although it's more easily set up by two people.


Total weight of display and shipping case: 21.5 kg

Display alone:

Shipping case alone:

Schedule / Reservation

Email kristine ( if you are interested in using the display. It is currently reserved on the following dates (includes shipping time):

The display has previously been exhibited at:

Set-up Instructions

Instructions for setting up the display are available:


Display set up for January 2008 EXPReS Kickoff and Progress Meetings, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Huib with Viviane Reding, EC Commissioner for Information Society and Media (DG-INFSO), and Mario Campolargo, Director of Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures for DG-INFSO at GÉANT2 - a Global Leader meeting in Bled, Slovenia.

Huib with Viviane Reding in Bled, Slovenia

Additional photographs of the EXPReS Display from its travels