====== Protected Pages ====== protected stuff will go here. * [[nexpres:nexpres_protected:nexpres_mailinglist_board|Board Members]] ===== Diary ===== ^ yyyy mm dd ^ description ^ | yyyy mm dd | | | yyyy 08 31 | sent reminder that this month's report will be "done" at end of next week. | | 2010 08 31 | all but SURFnet have submitted Form A, expect to rcv SURFnet on Thursday (in 2 days) | | 2010 08 18 | 1,691,667 Euro have been confirmed in the project bank account | | 2010 08 16 | Funds have not yet appeared in the project bank account | | 2010 08 14 | Received email from EC indicating the pre-financing was being processed. We assume that we should see it in the project bank account "soon" | | 2010 08 03 | Countersigned Grant Agreement received from EC. | | 2010 07 27 | Grant Agreement signed and mailed to EC | | 2010 07 01 | NEXPReS Project Start (retroactive) | ===== Finance ===== ^ # ^ name ^ Req EC Contrib ^ % ^ pre-fin ^ P1 ^ P2 ^ P3 ^ | 1 | JIVE | 1,581,240 € | 45.178 % | 764,265 € | | | | | 2 | ASTRON | 334,390 € | 9.554 % | 161,622 € | | | | | 3 | INAF | 158,250 € | 4.521 % | 76,488 € | | | | | 4 | MPG | 135,375 € | 3.868 % | 65,431 € | | | | | 5 | UMAN | 219,113 € | 6.260 % | 105,905 € | | | | | 6 | OSO | 287,088 € | 8.203 % | 138,759 € | | | | | 7 | VENT | 52,144 € | 1.490 % | 25,203 € | | | | | 8 | FG-IGN | 0 € | 0.000 % | 0 € | | | | | 9 | NorduNet | 129,145 € | 3.690 % | 62,420 € | | | | | 10 | SURFnet | 0 € | 0.000 % | 0 € | | | | | 11 | PSNC | 184,800 € | 5.280 % | 89,320 € | | | | | 12 | DANTE | 0 € | 0.000 % | 0 € | | | | | 13 | AALTO | 229,605 € | 6.560 % | 110,976 € | | | | | 14 | TUM | 109,425 € | 3.126 % | 52,889 € | | | | | 15 | CSIRO | 79,425 € | 2.269 % | 38,389 € | | | | ^ total ^^ 3,500,000 € ^ 100.00 % ^ 1,691,667 € ^ ^ ^ ^ Notes: * The Pre-Financing is calculated based on the total amount distributed by the EC multiplied by the overall percentage of requested EC funds. A simplistic way to calculate, but I think the only fair (and describable) solution at the moment. * (2010 Sep) The Period 1 Tranche will be distributed in a slightly more complicated manner. It will be based on the total amount of resources reported (via the Form C), the amount received in Pre-Financing, and the amount of underspending by other parties. ===== WP Leaders Confirming Contract ===== ^ WP ^ OK ^ | WP 1 | TCY- fine | | WP 2 | PC- fine | | WP 3 | RHJ- fine | | WP 4 | KSY- fine | | WP 5 | AS- fine | | WP 6 | PB- fine | | WP 7 | MK- fine | | WP 8 | AM- fine | ===== JIVE internal budget numbers ===== ^Networking 629012^^ | 010 | NA1 management | | 020 | NA2 EVN-NREN| | 030 | NA3 eVSAG| | 040 | NA4 Outreach| ^Service Activities 629013^^ | 010 | SA1 Cloud correlation| | 020 | SA2 High Bandwith on demand| ^JRA 629014^^ | 010 | JRA1 computing in a shared infrastructure| | 020 | JRA2 High-speed storage on demand|