====== NEXPReS mailing list eVSAG ====== Note: this list may not be the most recent list.\\ How to get the up-to-date list: - send an email to: majordomo@astron.nl - leave the subject line blank - insert the following message text: who evsag You will receive an email back with all current members of the list. ^ name ^ email address ^ | Alef, Walter | walef@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de | | Boven, Paul | boven@jive.nl | | Campbell, Bob | campbell@jive.nl | | Colomer, Paco | f.colomer@oan.es | | Colomer, Paco | fcolomer@gmail.com | | Conway, John | John.Conway@chalmers.se | | Desmurs, Jean-Francois | jf.desmurs@oan.es | | Frey, Sandor | frey@sgo.fomi.hu | | Giroletti, Marcello | giroletti@ira.inaf.it | | Hughes-Jones, Richard | Richard.Hughes-Jones@dante.net | | Kettenis, Mark | kettenis@jive.nl | | Lindqvist Michael | michael.lindqvist@chalmers.se | | Lobanov Andrei | alobanov@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de | | Maccarone, Tom | t.j.maccarone@soton.ac.uk | | Mujunen, Ari | amujunen@cc.hut.fi | | Muxlow Tom | twbm@jb.man.ac.uk | | Paragi, Zsolt | zparagi@jive.nl | | PĂ©rez Torres, Miguel A. | torres@iaa.es | | Polatidis Antonios | polatidis@astron.nl | | Porcas, Richard | porcas@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de | | Rushton, Anthony | Anthony.Rushton@manchester.ac.uk | | Shen Zhiqiang | zshen@shao.ac.cn | | Szomoru, Arpad | szomoru@jive.nl | | Tudose, Valeriu | tudose@astron.nl | | Venturi, Tiziana | tventuri@ira.inaf.it | | Vlemmings Wouter | wouter@astro.uni-bonn.de |