//General// A check for broken links and the like can be done using the programme Xenu ([[http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html]]). //Google Maps API keys// These keys are required when showing the (interactive) Google Maps on our own webpages. * [[http://www.expres-eu.org]]: ABQIAAAADZ2qEC6OB1ynewGWSomp7BRpVGObbYyYifVm7vLN19k7kwv0dRTvPfsESq6fWZ0lMqcyblTj1EZgRA * [[http://iya.expres-eu.org]]: ABQIAAAAZm_zuFyePKwiikUzvLFLdxTb6VxNY4IplhLHQbnNMQsjiDMIShSpZG9wd4p1Wd20PQxObSmszJpTeA * [[http://newsite.expres-eu.org]]: ABQIAAAAZJztl0zCo7rDxu3-rKmZ6xSfIHuSmxEoI27OXTl8ANKSivZAlhTy1RnLOFYu8TB7cn8Xbb3erKHp8A * [[http://www.jive.nl/~verkout]]: ABQIAAAADZ2qEC6OB1ynewGWSomp7BQxWlE3lRyjEWOGtGfZIO-IYcLZmRT_KV4ZfitmHNRJ4yJY2YzCQO5i5Q //EXPReS website// The EXPReS website has been copied almost one-to-one to newsite.expres-eu.org. * Links to [[http://www.expres-eu.org/iya2009]] have been removed. They were replaced by links to [[http://iya.expres-eu.org]]. This is a separate domain, which is currently maintained by Harro Verkouter (verkouter@jive.nl). These pages are dynamic and cannot be incorporated in the current set-up for the EXPReS website in Drupal. * Links to "printer-friendly" versions of press releases have been removed. Instead, a "printer-friendly" style sheet, which does not show the menu on the left, was added to the site. When a web page is printed, the browser automatically chooses this style sheet. Note that Mozilla Firefox does not print the Flash logo at the top; Internet Explorer has no problems with this. * A "link check", to check whether there are no broken links, was carried out by Kees Kodde (c.kodde@qrios.nl). Several broken links and redirects have been corrected. A new check can be carried out using the programme Xenu ([[http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html]]). Note that explicit links to pages on the old website (http://www.jive.nl/something-something.html) will be missed by this. Another "link check" should therefore be done when the new site goes live. * The old "News and Press Releases" page is now split up into "Press Releases" and "EXPReS in the News". The former is a News feed, containing press releases by EXPReS and its partners. The latter is a collection of articles, taken from newspapers, magazines, and the web, in which EXPReS and/or its partners are featured. * Downloads such as PDFs have very long explicit path names, e.g., http://newsite.expres-eu.org/sites/expres-eu.org/files/cms/news-press-releases/press-releases/2009-01-28/image_1.gif. This is a result of the multi-domain installation of Drupal and cannot be fixed. * There is currently no Events feed. Hence, the "Meetings / Events" page still needs to be updated by hand, as in the old case. Of course, now Drupal must be used and no knowledge of HTML is required anymore. * The favicon is located in /expres-eu.org/files/favicon.ico. A useful site to help to create a favicon is [[http://www.favicon.cc/]]. //JIVE website// The Drupal environment for the new JIVE website is in place. The old website is still being inventoried to see what stays, moves, or is removed. * Bob Campbell suggests that the "History of the EVN MkIV Processor at JIVE" should remain on the website for the interested reader. A nice/logical place to put this is the "About" page in the "EVN Correlator" section (similar to current location). * Bob Campbell suggests to periodically prompt the employees to update the science pages. This could be done when the annual report is being prepared, since this is the period in which the users summarise their latest results. * The topic "Space VLBI" should be at the same level as "Science Operations and Support", "Software Development", and "Technical Operations and R&D". The new website should reflect this structure. The part of the website regarding "Space VLBI" is to be filled in once the new website (structure) is in place. * Bauke Kramer has a working version of the archive (old URL: http://archive.jive.nl, accessible through Site Navigation --> EVN Data Archive) on the web server (dop40). He is busy implementing it in the Drupal environment. This requires restructuring the pages and menu structure. * Bauke Kramer would like to experience with the possibilities of expandable menus or a menu structure with sub-menus. * Access to the archive etc. in the current set-up requires PHP. Thus, it is now possible to add PHP pages to http://newsite.jive.nl and the PHP will be rendering (this rendering needs to be set in Drupal). * It may be possible but difficult to have a dynamic site (e.g., for the backups) on the Wiki. It will be easier to create a link (on the Wiki or elsewhere) to a dynamically generated HTML file, similar to what is the case for the old website. Alternatively, those pages stay where they are (within the new site structure) and are created in the Drupal environment (cf. archive: Bauke Kramer).