===== Agenda CBD meeting 13th November 2019 (First draft)===== \\ **1. [09:00-09:05] Welcome, Logistics, Introductions (Colomer/Bachiller)** \\ **2. [09:05-09:10] Approval of the Agenda/Desired Meeting Outcomes (Bachiller)** \\ **3. [09:10-09:20] Matters arising from previous CBD meetings (Bachiller)** \\ 3.1 Review, Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting (Bachiller) \\ 3.2 Review of Action Items (Bachiller) \\ **4. [09:20-10:20] EVN Science** \\ 4.1 Scientific Highlights (Rygl) \\ 4.2 Report from the PC Chair (Rygl) \\ 4.3 Implementation of Legacy Programmes (Rygl) \\ 4.4 ToO, triggered, and short observations (Rygl) \\ 4.5 Report on the Vision Document (Venturi) \\ **[10:20 - 10:40] Coffee Break** \\ **5.[10:40-11:40] EVN Operations** \\ 5.1 Scheduler’s report (Gunn) \\ 5.2 Written Observatory reports \\ 5.3 Recording media availability (Conway) \\ **6. [11:40-12:00] EVN Technics (I)** \\ 6.1 Report from the TOG Chair (Bach) \\ **[12:00-12:45] Lunch Break** \\ **6. [12:45-13:25] EVN Technics (II)** 6.2 High bit rate tests (Bach) \\ 6.3 Towards a technical roadmap (Bach) \\ 6.4 Future of Field System (Bach) \\ **7.0 [13:25-14:25] JIVE)** \\ 7.1 JIVE report (including info on potential new stations) (Colomer) \\ 7.2 Status of potential new station at Zolochiv, Ukraine (Ulyanov) \\ 7.3 Communications and outreach (Colomer/Maffey) \\ 7.4 Enhancing the EVN/JIVE collaboration (Colomer) \\ **8. [14:25-15:00] EVN Global Relations (I)** \\ 8.1 Global VLBI Alliance (Colomer) \\ 8.2 AVN (Venturi) \\ **[15:00-15:15] Coffee Break** \\ **8. [15:15-15:45] EVN Global Relations (I)** \\ 8.3 EVN 15th Symposium (Bachiller) \\ 8.4 EVN-related meetings and schools \\ **9. [15:45-16:00]Next CBD meeting and AOB (15 min)** \\ **10. [16:00-18:00] Closed executive meeting (only under invitation)**